Uphill Into the Wind Hurts Biking Legs
Another gorgeous day for biking. 80 degrees, clear blue sky but the wind was a killer at 14 mph from the NW with 23 mph gusts. I worked in the yard with my wife before leaving at 1:48. I think this may have tired my legs some because riding into the wind hurt my thigh muscles. I couldn’t get much speed and over the 32.31 miles on the Atascocita – Walden – Huffman route my average speed never got above 15.2 mph. Whenever it looked like I was going to be able to ride faster I would turn into that brutal wind. Riding into an open place the wind would try to push me back. I rode on though and got back home at 4:29 tired legs and all. My average speed overall settled at 14.7 mph. I was holding it at 15.0 mph until I had to wait to get across Kingwood Drive at the 30 mile point.
There was a section when I was riding up an incline on Atascocita Shores Drive headed to FM1960 into a headwind. My legs were hurting and the pedals became real hard to turn over but I made it. that was 15 miles into the ride just before I rode across Lake Houston on FM1960 headed to Huffman. Over the lake there was no protection from that wind but going east it was coming from my left rear quarter. Later on the way back home I struggled on the same section going west. Sometimes when the traffic passed me on the left I got a reprieve from the wind with the draft from the cars sucking the wind away for a few seconds. I could tell whenever I was behind houses or thick trees too.
It was warm but I chose to wear a long sleeve jersey and shorts in case the wind was chilly which it was coming from the NW after the front from yesterday. Also I didn’t feel like spraying sunscreen on my arms.
Finally my mileage is starting to accumulate: 133.03 this week, 433.28 for March and 868 for the year. Not as much as I was planning on but considering the weather I am gaining.
The weather when I got home.
You can see the forecast for Saturday is great for biking. I saw one other biker today when I was a little over a mile from the end of the ride on Sandy Forks Drive.
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