Starting to Heat Up
No rain on today’s ride if I don’t count the dozen tiny drops that appeared on the Garmin 510 screen around 12.2 miles. They quickly disappeared as did the cloud from where they might have fell. The partly cloudy sky surrounded the ride to Atastcocita – Walden – Huffman and the temperature ranged from 83 at the start (11:37) to 90 at the finished (2:29). The wind was stronger than I thought at 15 mph from the east with 21 mph gusts. That probably accounts for the extra effort I had to deploy when I had a headwind. Once I got to FM2100 and rode to the north the wind was not such an issue. This was when I made up most of the average speed I lost before that.
To add some distance I went north from the Huffman Chevron to Smith Road before turning west. The ride was 34.04 miles at 14.9 mph average speed. While I was stopped at the Chevron station I enjoyed the nice breeze while I was under the canopy over the pumps. I switched to PowerAde since it was less expensive from the fountain machine. The blue flavor is not my favorite but it was okay.
June miles: 63.16. Week to date miles: 34.04. Year to date miles: 2462.
For at least the month of June I am switching to SportTracks as the program of record for rides. The slides below come from SportTracks. RideWithGPS map and metrics.
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