Back on the Bike in the Wind – March 27th Bike Ride
After 3 days off due to some crazy March weather I got back on the bike today and rode through Walden at Lake Houston and Huffman. The crazy March weather those three days include wind up to 35 mph and temperatures down in the 30’s at night slowly crawling up to the low 60’s by the late afternoon. Today the wind still was a problem at 15 mph from the southeast and 22 mph gusts. My legs did not appreciate putting them into the wind so the average speed was 14.9 mph and it was lower than that until I started riding back home from Huffman with somewhat of a tailwind. The sky was a nice bright blue and the sun helped offset the wind chill. When I took a break in Huffman I sat in the sun but the wind chill kept the warmth at bay.
I rode 32.53 miles today. This moves my March miles up to 549.4 leaving 32 miles to reach my goal. Year to date miles now total 1230.98. I saw one other rider on Fairlake Drive. With at least two more riding days I should reach my March goal. Garmin Connect and links offer other views of the ride.
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