Leaning Into Barbed Wire – March 19th Bike Ride
A rare event took place while I rode through Huffman: two temperature signs agreed on the temperature of 86 degrees. The signs were about a 1/4 mile apart at Action Sign and Lake Houston Untied Methodist Church. While the temperature dropped a few degrees from yesterday’s record one it still felt warm. Scattered clouds with a southeast 12 mph wind aided the feel. I wore a short sleeve jersey but with the wind I think I could’ve worn a long sleeve one. So sunscreen on the arms was required for the first time this year, I think. The wind could not make up it’s mind since it felt like it came from whatever direction I was riding towards.
No route variation today as I rode a typical route through Atascocita, Walden at Lake Houston and across Lake Houston to Huffman. This took me 32.2 miles at 14.9 mph average speed. Now March miles total 393.33 and year to date moved up to 1074.92 miles. When I was leaving the Huffman Chevron riding west on FM1960 I looked ahead to a pasture along side the road. One cow was leaning heavily into the barbed wire fence trying to that “extra green grass” on the other side. Apparently when a cow leans into barbed wire slowly the barbs don’t get their attention. The cow’s head protruded between two strands of barbed wire, one shiny from a recent installation. If the cow keeps at it the fence will be on the ground.
Links to data and maps at Garmin Connect and RideWithGPS.com.
Tomorrow the high comes down to 77 degrees with a 20% chance of rain. I plan on riding.
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