Almost Non-Stop Riding – September 10th Bike Ride
I missed the gorgeous weather yesterday but today was not bad. Between the nice blue sky and the 2 mph north breeze I don’t think I could have asked for a better day to ride. The humidity was so low that my gloves were dry when I got home. The wrist bands were wet but not enough to wring any moisture out of them.
I left the house at 10:12 AM so the temperature had a chance to get up out of the 60’s. At first I pulled out a long sleeve jersey but I put it back in favor of a short sleeve one since the temperature increased to 76. By the time I got back home my weather stationed showed 88 degrees and 33% humidity. It felt so good I rode the entire 36.93 mile route without stopping other than traffic lights and stop signs. Until I got into the Kingwood residential streets near the end of the ride I averaged 16.2 mph but then with slow streets and stopping it fell to 15.9 mph. Pedaling almost required no effort which shows from the 82.4 RPM average cadence. Max speed got up to 23.7 mph.
From the table above I spent the vast majority of the ride in the 17.3 – 20.6 mph range. Road traffic was light and I managed to get the green for several traffic lights. Moving time totaled 2:19:42 plus 1:28 time stopped (I don’t think I’ve ever managed to get this low before). September miles now total 183.66 (just 1 mile less than last year) and YTD miles are 4900.92. Visit map and metrics for a comparison of data.
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