Tree Chunks from the Sky – January 26th Bike Ride
Yesterday the Houston area endured heavy wind and up to 4 inches of rain. I did not ride yesterday needless to say. Now today the wind slowed down some to 18 mph with 23 mph gusts when I started biking. Clouds could not make up their mind as they rotated cloudy to sunny. The weather forecast said 61 degrees for the high but at the start time 66 degrees showed on my weather station falling to 64 when I finished. My weather station showed 2.83 inches of rain on Wednesday so I expected water on the trails. That happened but the number of fallen limbs and branches were high. At two places I encountered workers cutting down trees and clearing the trails. One towered high up a tree cutting 3 or 4 foot chunks from an upright tree. I waited while one fell to the ground. At another spot 6 inches or more of water covered the trail. The workers piled cut branches on the trail but they moved them so I could pass.
After today I will not bike for a few days due to minor surgery on right leg. I wanted to get some miles in before so today’s 18.09 miles was important. With the wind and coolness I chose my Motobecane 700HT mountain over my road bike. I did manage 11.5 mph for an average speed which reflected biking into the wind. My max was 18.2 mph and 73.4 RPM average cadence. January miles total 249.76. Last week I took some pictures of bridges on the trails but did not ride over them. Today I went that way for the first time.

1-26-2012 Bike Ride Data and Route Map

1-26-2012 Home Weather Station End