Fooled by the Sun – November 18th Bike Ride
Standing in the backyard before my ride I thought the temperature was warm enough to ride with a long sleeve jersey, a short sleeve jersey and no leg warmers. This was a good thought for a few minutes. The temperature was 70 when I left the driveway but before I rode 1 mile the clouds started to gather and block the sun. One thing that wasn’t blocked was the wind which was 18.4 mph from the southeast. Because of the cool front from yesterday the wind was still chilly even though it was from the direction that usually means warm air. Since I was underway I figured I would warm up from the my body heat. I did warmup some but not as much as I would have liked. By the time I got home the temperature was starting to drop and was down to 68 degrees. The mostly cloudy skies accentuated this coolness. I was glad to get back inside.
I did not ride yesterday because it was not quite warm enough and I was working on replacing the event calendar portion of I got the new event calendar up and running so today I was able to get out and ride. Even with the chilly weather I was able to ride 30.0 miles and 15.7 mph average speed. My max speed was 21.7 mph and average cadence was 82.3 RPM. November miles are 293.96 (almost my 300 November average) and year to date 5277.46 miles.
Link to Garmin Connect Ride Data.
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