Fourth Day in a Row of 29 miles or More – October 27th
I wanted to start the ride earlier today because the weather is supposed to change later in the day. As I write this at 2:10 PM the wind has shifted to the northwest. During the ride it was generally from the south and southeast. Because I started at 10:29 AM the temperatures were lower than they have this week: 73 at the start and 80 at the end. The 7 mph variable light wind was not a problem for the ride but I decided not to use the 50 x 15 gears because about the time I was going to shift into it the wind would turn into a headwind. The mostly cloudy skies had a few dark ones to the north as I rode the last 3 or 4 miles and I was wondering if I was going to get wet but it did not happen even though we sure could use the rain.
As I neared the intersection of Old Atascocita Road and FM2100 I could see another biker about 300 yards east of FM2100 but I turned onto FM2100 north before he could reach me. Most bikers take Old Atascocita Road west to FM960. I prefer not to do that because you have to get across FM1960 without the aid of a traffic light. FM2100 at FM1960 has a traffic light.
Today’s 29.69 miles is the fourth day in a row of 29 miles or more. My average speed was 15.4 mph and max speed was 21.4 mph and average cadence was 82.4 RPM, 1.1 RPM over yesterday. October miles are now 654.49, this week is 117.78 miles and year to date is 4895.82 miles.

10-27-2011 Bike Ride Data and Route Map
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