Something happened when it came time to execute the plan – April 30th Bike Ride
I had the ride plan for today’s ride but something happened when it came time to execute the plan. First off I forgot to turn my alarm on so I got up a half hour late. This wasn’t too big of a problem and I sped things up a little getting ready. I went to the garage to get my bike and start but when I got to the garage door I noticed the rear wheel was flat. So I toki the wheel off and started to look for the cause. Looking at the tire tread I did not see anything so I removed the tube and pumped it but the hole was not spewing any air so I pumped it up more and then I found a tiny hole about 7 inches to the side of the valve stem. When I checked the tire in that position I found tiny piece of mystery wire. I call this mystery wire because it is a mystery how this stuff gets on the road and then into a tire. I patched the tube and put it back in the tire and proceeded to to remount the tire. In the process I pinched the tube and added two more holes. At this point I pulled the tube out and installed a new one being very careful not to repeat the pinching thing with my tire tool. Successfully replacing the tube and pumping it up I was finally ready to leave about 30 minutes late on top of the 30 minutes I overslept.
Overnight the weather conditions changed with the wind shifting to the southeast which brings increased clouds and humidity. I noticed a little moisture on the patio where it might have sprinkled during the night. I saw this again later on FM290 west of Splendora where the edge of the road was damp but no puddles. during the ride the temperature was in the lower 80’s with overcast skies and wind of 17 to 21 mph.
Once I was on the road the ride was going great with a ice tailwind for the first 18+ miles. When I turned northwest the wind was still there but not so much as a tailwind but it did not get in the way either. At the 33.3 mile mark I stopped at the Valero station on FM3083 for a rest and some Diet Pepsi with BBQ Kettle Chips. I figured when I turned back to the southeast the wind would slow me down so the rest and chips were to build me for the effort. Little did I know what I would run into on FM1314.
The former smooth asphalt FM1314 surface had been replaced with chip’n seal and since it was new the shoulder was not smoothed down any from traffic driving on it, even if this happens when it has been there awhile. For over 5 miles I rode into a headwind and battled the chip’n seal shoulder until I got to the junction of SR242. I felt a great relief when I rolled onto the smooth asphalt surface. I slowed down to relish the vibration being gone. From that point the shoulder was either asphalt or concrete until I got to Porter.
One point of my plan did get accomplished; riding at least 61 miles. I ended up riding 63.1 miles which put the weekly miles at 143.43 but more importantly the April miles 676.00. Year to date miles are at 1502.67. This was the reason for the 62 mile goal to get past the 1500 mile mark. The 676 miles is the most I have ridden in a month this year.
I plan on riding tomorrow to get May underway. I think I can get 24 miles.

4-30-2011 Bike Ride Data and Route

4-30-2011 Home Weather Finish
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Additional charts and weather.
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