Continental Airlines Cycling Classic – Montgomery, TX
Continental Airlines Cycling Classic
Start: Sunday, March 06, 2011 @ 8:00 AM
Montgomery High School Sports Complex
22485 Hwy 105 WÂ Â Montgomery, TX
$25.00 per person before 01/15/2010. $30.00 per person before 02/28/2010. $35.00 per person after 02/28/2010, including the day of the ride.
Registration Closing Date Saturday, March 05, 2011 @ 6:00 PM
Brief Description
Recommended Training Ride for the BP MS150
Routes of 25, 47 and 67 miles featuring challenging hills and beautiful scenery. Pre-registered Riders will be eligible to win exciting prizes and lunch will be provided for all. Proceeds benefit We Care and the Continental Airlines Cycling Team
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